Digital and social media

Top 5 social media blunders

We regularly bring you examples of ways in which everyone from politicians to celebrities and even ‘normal people’ have managed to make spectacular blunders on social media that have ended up being very high profile. When it comes to brand use of social media, sometimes it can be even more...

Can you control naming and shaming online?

It’s an unfortunate reality that most women experience casual sexism as an everyday occurrence. A yell from a white van man as she walks to work, or a presumption she will undertake the lion’s share of household chores; women in modern Britain are wearily accustomed to being the subject of...

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris – a case study

Not that long ago I blogged about Taylor Swift’s pretty immaculate record when it comes to well played moves in Twitter spats. Well, it seems I was tempting fate as the internet has been buzzing with Swift’s name this week, linked to all sorts of online arguments. However, it’s not the...

Social media: how to fight nice

I took a few days off last week and as a consequence found myself delving into the lives of Taylor Swift and Katy Perry through the medium of Heat magazine. Both are two vastly famous and successful young women who seemed to have managed to evade the curse of a...

A lion called Cecil, a witch called Walter and a wardrobe full of Twitter abuse

Admittedly, it's quite difficult to generate a massive amount of sympathy for Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer. In case you've forgotten, he managed to see off Zimbabwe's favourite lion, Cecil, while on one of those awful big game shoot safari holidays that seem to be the penchant of overgrown school children...

How not to get yourself in a compromising position online

The tabloid allegations surrounding Lord Sewell this week put me in mind of a great book I read recently called So...

Lessons in Twitter love

Twitter is a wonderful tool – an easy way to reach existing, and new, audiences and to grow a public profile. But you don't have to search too many hashtags for startling examples of Twitter-gone-bad especially so among high profile individuals with (monstrous) egos and a head stuffed to the...

Are you beach body ready?

How do you make ground up plant extracts controversial? Or even sexy? We imagine the advertising agency responsible for the recent 'Beach Body Ready' campaign from diet supplement peddlers Protein World are feeling very satisfied with the results so far, if their brief was to get everyone talking about the...

Think social media customer service has office hours? Think again…

Using social media for customer service is a trending topic in the PR world at the moment. One of the reasons why it has become so popular is because it offers efficiencies and the chance to boost customer service, both in terms of the response rate and customer satisfaction. However,...

Why you shouldn’t post photos of women’s bottoms on social media

Michael Buble is one of those celebrities who normally can’t seem to put a foot wrong. A voice to die for and an appearance to match, he’s demonstrated a gently cheeky sense of fun and crooner gent attitude over the years in which he has established himself as one of...