Purpose, messaging and brand strategy
To stand out from the crowd, law firms and other professional services firms need to have a thought through and authentic positioning and messaging before planning marketing activity. Clearly understanding and defining what your firm stands for, and how it is distinctive, provides an opportunity for richer storytelling and a more differentiated offering from a new business perspective.
Aligning senior stakeholders to a tightly articulated vision and purpose can help a leadership team agree and focus around a growth strategy. Finally, clear values that are truly ‘lived and breathed’ by a firm can assist in talent attraction, employee retention and satisfaction which has been shown to lead to happier clients in the long run.
Many firms leap straight to messaging tactics in their communications without fully understanding what makes their brand distinctive. As a result, their marketing lacks consistency and is less compelling.
Lawyers are not always good at promoting themselves, strangely shy – however good they are. MD Communications can provide the words and style if you give them the material.
A large regional firm approached us to help them with their brand positioning and purpose. We ran a workshop with senior leaders to build out the purpose and how it could link more directly to the first external expression and elevator pitch. We interviewed a number of their clients to understand how salient the firm’s purpose was, and how improved employee wellbeing might translate to improved client service. The result was an expanded and better integrated purpose expression and a roadmap for further roll-out and external brand expression.

From the moment we met Melissa Davis and her team at MD Communications we knew that there was synergy between their approach to building long-term partnering relationships and that of Paris Smith. It was and is clear that we share the same values including in particular integrity, professionalism and trust.
What we do
- Run purpose and messaging workshops
- Undertake internal and external listening audits
- Create elevator pitches and purpose statements
- Development of brand messaging and marketing strategy
- Brand management
- Craft internal communications plans
- Supporting and developing wellness programmes