Crisis communications

How to prevent social media hacking – and damage limitation

Last night I received a direct message on twitter from a follower. It suggested I might want to know about a photo of me that was circulating the net. As a long time twitter user I have seen this before, and far from me getting excited or worried, I just...

Co-op legal marketing blunder

The opening up of the field of legal advice by the Legal Services Act last year left many in the profession wondering how the playing field was likely to change once other types of organisations began offering legal advice as part of their platform. One of the first to take...

When private communications go viral – it doesn’t matter who you are

The issue of private correspondence ‘going viral’ is not a regular occurrence for the legal profession (although Roll on Friday would like you to think it is!). Lawyers are notoriously cagey when it comes to language, knowing full well the consequences of using words carelessly. This caution is even more exercised when...