PR and reputation management

Kanye West and #Wheelchairgate

Rapper Kanye West is certainly no stranger to controversy. Who could forget his interruption of Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech for Best Female Video at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards or his appearance on a 2006 Rolling Stone cover in a crown of thorns. However, since the arrival of baby...

Happy Birthday MD Communications!

MD Communications is four years old today – Happy Birthday to us! We are celebrating this evening aboard HMS President with our clients, supporters and friends, to whom we are extremely grateful because without them today would not have been possible. I set up the agency back in 2010 with a...

Speaking up about female genital mutilation

The legal profession is often wary of the word ‘campaign’. Historically, it was perceived as the preserve of those at the (often politically-motivated) margins of the profession. We routinely advise our law firm clients on how to structure and deliver campaigns across a wide spectrum of issues. One bubbling under the...

Uber and the cabbies’ protest

I had my first experience of Uber taxis in New York. They have been something of a revolution when it comes to private fares and there has been a huge rise in usage since the company was first established in San Francisco in 2009. For those who don't know, Uber...

How does social media fit into your PR strategy?

We are all aware of the way in which social media has been heralded as the bright, shiny new saviour of marketing and PR for business – ‘its free! It’s instant! And you can reach everyone!’ Of course all this is true but when you’re considering the value of social...

International Women’s Day

This weekend, on Saturday, it was International Women's Day, an occasion for both celebrating the numerous achievements of women all over the world and highlighting the social and political problems that still exist along gender divisions. All the legal press seems to be doom and gloom about women in the law...

Peer-to-Peer Recommendations

In the context of successful marketing, the question of what influences people to make the decisions they make is absolutely crucial. The question of where that influence comes from - that which drives people and organisations to make decisions to take certain options is a big one. Peer-to-peer recommendations have...

Christmas comes early for local PR

The countdown to Christmas is now well and truly upon us and journalists across the land will be looking ahead to the festive period and thinking as to how they will fill the pages of their publications quickly and easily so they can go and enjoy the season of goodwill. A...

Can accountants convince consumers of legal services to swap sides?

2013 is almost at an end. Looking back, we were told some time ago of what was expected to be a big bang when alternative business structures (ABS) would come into existence. While it has had an impact on legal services, it hasn't been the massive explosion that was predicted, with...

Keep your Christmas press releases present

The big NO-NO for local newspapers over the Christmas period is when they continue to receive press releases about festive-related events in the middle of January. There is nothing more annoying, I have been told, for journalists to receive emailed press releases about companies holding a Christmas event for clients and...