LinkedIn resolutions for 2025

Text and image based graphic, in blue, white and red, with headshot of Emma Maule and MD Comms logo. Text reads: “LinkedIn is now non-negotiable for BD, so make sure your profile stands out for the right reasons." Global Reputation Advisors

Our Digital Director Emma Maule reveals her top tips for upping your LinkedIn game in 2025.

New year, new you? The new year brings a chance for a fresh start, and that includes your LinkedIn profile. If you’re looking to boost your presence, you’re not alone – although many professionals find it challenging to know where to start.

With this platform now being a non-negotiable for BD, rather than just a nice to have, make sure your profile stands out for the right reasons.

Check out my top tips to transform your LinkedIn game this year:

Optimise your profile

This should be a no-brainer, but a huge amount of LinkedIn profiles are not completed. LinkedIn rewards users who have completed their profiles to ‘All-Star’ level with around 40% more reach for their posts. So make sure you’ve filled in all the core sections and pay attention to the top – prime real estate! Include an eye-catching, on-brand banner, a recent professional headshot, and add keywords into your headline.

Embrace images or video

LinkedIn is now image-led and you have less than eight seconds for someone to decide whether they are going to stop and read your post, or keep on scrolling, so make sure you always include an eye-catching photo, graphic or short video. People like looking at images of real people best, so take pictures at events, when you’re networking, when you’re out and about (for example, visiting other office locations or international travel) and of your team when you get together. If you can get a group selfie (ie you are in the picture too), you’ll see better traction.

Be an advocate

People are a law firm’s best asset on LinkedIn. Relying on just the company page to get the firm’s news out there is like whispering in a rock concert. Individuals have 10x the power to disseminate information, so everyone needs to take responsibility for amplifying the message about the brand. The more you engage on the platform, the more it rewards you, so your activity on your firm’s company page is directly beneficial to you too.

Comment strategically

Comments are gold dust on LinkedIn. Every time you comment, your name and profile photo will pop up on your followers’ feeds, resulting in increased brand awareness. Create lists of key leads and leave insightful comments on their posts using a rota system, to ensure you stay front of mind. Make sure you reply to any comments that others leave on your own posts, too.

Let your personality shine through

Your content is about giving a glimpse into who you are, what you care about, and what you’d be like to work with. So don’t be scared to feature your passions, reveal a charity that is close to your heart, or post your holiday snaps or photos of your dog – this is all part of your personal brand. Just be sure to balance it with news from your firm and work milestones to showcase the rounded version of who you are.


We offer LinkedIn training for groups and individuals – get in touch if you’re interested.

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