Twitter needs to find its safe place

Twitter and trolls go together like jam and cake, but over the past week the Twittersphere has witnessed the kind of uber trolling that we haven’t really seen that often before – and it has been quite a shock. Bizarrely, the action that caused freelance journalist Caroline Criado-Perez to be...

How important is your law firm website?

Law is one of those professions where reputations have traditionally been built on performance, on interactions, and on who you know.  Given this history, the idea that a few online pages could influence whether or not a firm gets business from a certain sector, individual or company might several years...

When private communications go viral – it doesn’t matter who you are

The issue of private correspondence ‘going viral’ is not a regular occurrence for the legal profession (although Roll on Friday would like you to think it is!). Lawyers are notoriously cagey when it comes to language, knowing full well the consequences of using words carelessly. This caution is even more exercised when...

The birthday blog: are all lawyers workaholics? How to take the pressure off

It may not come as a surprise to many to learn that a recent survey has found that lawyers are workaholics. Research by the legal recruiter Robert Walters, which was released at the end of last month, indicated that lawyers are clocking up an average of 45.9 hours a week...

Blog power – still believe it doesn’t exist?

Despite the widely discussed impact that blogs and bloggers continue to have on the digital world, many remain rather skeptical about whether or not that impact actually means anything.  As most of the power of the blog is not especially tangible, hidden away as it is inside statistics on page hits...

What’s really in a name?

The latest attempt by the ICAEW to have greater global presence and break into other markets through its support of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW) highlights the difficulties professional bodies and accountancy firms, or any professional service provider, have in exporting their brand overseas. While doing business in other markets has its challenges, building a...

Why raising funds for legal charities benefits the whole profession

Membership of the legal profession is often viewed as a very privileged position to be in, both by those who are currently in it, as well as those on the outside. This is because it is a great place to work – full of brilliant minds, exciting opportunities and the...

Support for Deaf clients

With Deaf Awareness Week taking place this week, the spotlight is being shone on those consumers who are Deaf and how legal advice can best be provided to them. In this context, research by the Royal Association for Deaf People’s (RAD) Deaf Law Centre (DLC) has revealed statistics that show...

Alumni networks make sense

There have been numerous instances in recent times of employees taking to public forums and expressing less-than-glowing opinions about their former employers - and even in some cases going so far as to write a book about them. Views on working conditions are - let’s face it - fairly common...

Out of context – the Hilary Mantel kerfuffle

If there is one lesson to be learned from the Hilary Mantel kerfuffle that surfaced this week it's that anyone with a public audience, whether that be a renowned author, politician or lawyer, needs to be aware that what they say could be taken out of context. Please don't take that...