How not to make a tit out of yourself in a PR crisis

Recently, a woman posted a very disturbing story on Facebook breastfeeding activism forum Free to Feed, where she alleged a security guard in a Leicester branch of discount retail chain Primark forcibly removed her nine-month-old daughter from her breast when she would not stop breastfeeding her, and then walked off...

Why your brand can be worth a fortune

Business bible Forbes recently released its eponymous list of the world’s most valuable brands, and while the big names on there are in a branding superleague all of their own, can smaller businesses learn anything from the sharp practices of these industry goliaths? Sitting comfortably in first place is, and try...

Two tragic events – two very different PR outcomes

The tragic incident at Alton Towers earlier this month has been all over the news. The crash on the park’s Smiler ride left 16 people injured, four very seriously, and immediately hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Luckily no one died during the incident, however, it was still...

Is imperfection the way to your clients’ hearts?

The Duchess of Cambridge is one of the most photographed women in the world and both her pregnancies have attracted a mind boggling amount of press and public attention, from her maternity outfits through to the design of the royal nursery for the brand new royal baby. However, whereas the...

Lessons in Twitter love

Twitter is a wonderful tool – an easy way to reach existing, and new, audiences and to grow a public profile. But you don't have to search too many hashtags for startling examples of Twitter-gone-bad especially so among high profile individuals with (monstrous) egos and a head stuffed to the...

Are you beach body ready?

How do you make ground up plant extracts controversial? Or even sexy? We imagine the advertising agency responsible for the recent 'Beach Body Ready' campaign from diet supplement peddlers Protein World are feeling very satisfied with the results so far, if their brief was to get everyone talking about the...

Think social media customer service has office hours? Think again…

Using social media for customer service is a trending topic in the PR world at the moment. One of the reasons why it has become so popular is because it offers efficiencies and the chance to boost customer service, both in terms of the response rate and customer satisfaction. However,...

Can law firms learn rebrand tips from a Harry Potter character?

The name Matthew Lewis might not mean that much to you – but Neville Longbottom probably will. Whether or not you’re an avid Harry Potter fan you probably remember the character of Neville Longbottom, the goofy geek who was just never quite in with the cool gang and yet still...

Why you shouldn’t post photos of women’s bottoms on social media

Michael Buble is one of those celebrities who normally can’t seem to put a foot wrong. A voice to die for and an appearance to match, he’s demonstrated a gently cheeky sense of fun and crooner gent attitude over the years in which he has established himself as one of...

What to do when a PR crisis hits

I was interviewed for an article in The Lawyer magazine today about how law firms – and in particular Gibson Dunn - should deal with a crisis. Gibson Dunn is a top 30 firm with a global presence and – right now – it’s making headlines for all the wrong reasons....