Why digital security is more important than ever

Whilst the enormously fast growth of digital media has meant the opening up of opportunities for new forms of marketing, for reaching new client bases and for significantly cutting costs, it has also brought with it increased risk. Malware, viruses and hacking can do all sorts of damage to a...

Getting to know Latin America

With UKTI among the organisations looking to facilitate UK businesses' success in Latin America, it's worth reflecting on what might be holding back law firms. Poor language skills? Arcane and protectionist professional rules? It's a question that came up at MD Communications' recent roundtable discussion, which revolved around the findings of...

Is Pinterest for lawyers?

Whilst social media sites like Twitter and Facebook have increasingly been making their presence felt in the legal sector over the past few years, Pinterest is one of those sites that seems to be fairly far removed from what the legal industry is all about. This ‘social scrapbook’ site is...

Interested in Mexico, but have you actually been there?

After being neglected for reasons difficult to understand and therefore explain, Mexico seems to be back and features as one of the top priorities and preferred destinations for the UK Government, Law Firms and service providers.  There is expectation that with the structural reforms that have been passed through Congress...

What are the perils of lawyers blurring the lines between their professional and personal lives?

We all know about the perils of posting photos of ourselves in the advanced stages of partying - but what rules should professional people apply to blogging? Social media offers lawyers the chance to blog about intensely personal matters that they feel there is a value in sharing. It’s something I've...

How to prevent social media hacking – and damage limitation

Last night I received a direct message on twitter from a follower. It suggested I might want to know about a photo of me that was circulating the net. As a long time twitter user I have seen this before, and far from me getting excited or worried, I just...

Why Latin America should be in your law firms’ plans for growth

The UK legal services market has not been used to much positive news in recent years. Though some law firms have managed to develop their business and grow in hard economic times, there has been an awful lot of flat-lining, even among some of our most famous brands. Sitting behind recent...

How to use YouTube in business

You might have been under the impression that YouTube was solely for the purpose of posting videos of the Harlem Shake, badly made image collages soundtracked by music, or embarrassing wedding videos. However, it has begun to emerge as an important part of the marketing platform for many businesses –...

How not to do social media

The use of social media in business - and especially in law - is relatively new and, as a result, it remains a fairly unpredictable beast. As its efficacy effectively depends on the reactions of millions of different users it is a difficult thing to get right in terms of...

Co-op legal marketing blunder

The opening up of the field of legal advice by the Legal Services Act last year left many in the profession wondering how the playing field was likely to change once other types of organisations began offering legal advice as part of their platform. One of the first to take...